Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe as part of our responsibility from the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), and because of the great financial blessings that we've been given, there is a need to financially support the spread of the gospel worldwide.
Each year on our Mission Sunday, we collect funds to specifically be used to spread the gospel. Those funds are distributed to missionaries and works to spread the gospel both globally and domestically.
Each year on our Mission Sunday, we collect funds to specifically be used to spread the gospel. Those funds are distributed to missionaries and works to spread the gospel both globally and domestically.
Active Missionaries
Steve Teel | Baxter Institute
Founded in 1964, the Baxter Foundation in Honduras supports the Baxter Institute, the Baxter Clinic and additional mission efforts in Latin America. The Baxter Clinic supports the local community, while the Baxter Institute is a resident training program is a four-year, university-level, academic program to become preachers, teachers, missionaries, and leaders among churches of Christ throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
More about Baxter Institute
More about Baxter Institute
Eastern European Missions (EEM)
Founded in 1961, EEM freely supplies Bibles and Bible-based materials. These materials are given to individuals, families, children in youth camps, refugees, mission churches, public universities, public schools, public libraries, prisons, hospitals, orphanages, campaign groups, and anywhere else Bibles are needed.
More about EEM
More about EEM